| | | | PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE  What a month! Our weather hasn’t reflected it until now, many homes and businesses are showing the seasonal spirit! Thanks to everyone who bought tickets for the raffle and the wonderful sponsors who provided the great prizes. Congratulations to the winners! Thanks as well to everyone who came to our AGM. If you were there, you know we unveiled a new logo which we are very excited about. Thank you to Mark Kamachi for reworking our logo which he originally designed. Watch for further information regarding our amalgamation with “mySpringbank.ca”. We also discussed the planned South Springbank facility at the meeting and will continue to reach out to residents regarding the needs and wants of the community and how they should be reflected in this facility. We are encouraging open communication between RVC staff, councillors and residents to make sure the project fits our community. We were taken aback by the Nov. 28 Rocky View Weekly article connecting a comment of our councillor and Deputy Reeve, Don Kochan, with the Springbank Community Association so we reached out to him to clarify the newspaper’s reporting. We learned that Mr. Kochan was not referencing the SCA and the newspaper had incorrectly leapt to that conclusion. This shows the importance of open dialogue and we welcome more opportunities to get this facility right with Rocky View County so that there are no misunderstandings. Scroll this issue to see all the fun activities around the holidays and plan for the new year. The Springbank Community Association wishes you all the best of the holiday season and a Happy New Year! | | | | |
| | | | Community Raffle 2023 Thanks so much to all who purchased raffle tickets and to our wonderful sponsors who enabled us to donate $15,000 to Springbank Community High School’s physical education department! We are so proud to be community builders, benefitting the youth of Springbank. | | | | |
| | | | Lego Cub - Thank You, Volunteers! A heartfelt thank you to our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers: Asher Hunter, Lachlan Rosenbaum, Elizabeth Viteychuk and Alexandra Eremenko. Thank you also to our supervisors Judi, Kathleen and Sanna! We will be back in the New Year! Annual General Meeting Minutes from the Annual General Meeting are now available. Take a look at our year in review. Welcome back to our Board members: - Karin Hunter - Term expires 2024 AGM
- Al Schmidt - Term expires 2024 AGM
- Ian Galbraith - Term expires 2024 AGM
- Terry Dowsett - Term expires 2024 AGM
- Jan Erisman - Term expires 2024 AGM
- Lynn Munro - Term expires 2024 AGM
- Stu Pritchard - Term expires 2025 AGM
- Ronda Rankin - Term expires 2025 AGM
- OPEN - Expires 2024
Recreation Rocky View has unveiled a website for the proposed community centre. For the record - the SCA has serious concerns about the scope of the project and its components, the requirement for community funding and the overall community engagement process. We have expressed our concerns repeatedly - to administration directly, Councillors Kochan and Hanson and the new interim CAO at RVC on November 3, 2023. There is no doubt that the community is looking for additional before and after school care and programming, recreation spaces including gymnasiums, indoor track and fitness spaces. None of these elements are as yet included in the proposed facility. We view that the process has been incredibly “TOP DOWN”, with RVC administration directing the project with a general lack of interest to hear any feedback contrary to their recommendation. The SCA has attempted - time and time again - to engage with RVC administration without success. On December 6, SPFAS appeared before the Recreation Governance Committee a proposal for a gymnasium complex on their existing lands. The SCA expressed its support to SPFAS for their proposal as we believe that SPFAS is a logical operator of recreation amenities and we know that the community’s desire for a gymnasium is significant. We believe strongly that the best ideas will come from within Springbank, its residents and organizations. It is time for a new voice to step forward from the Springbank to represent the community on the proposed facility! We need a leader in Springbank to work with stakeholders including SPFAS, RVC, RVS and other groups to ensure that the facility is what Springbank needs: | | | | |
| | | | We appreciate the support of Alberta Indoor Comfort towards the production of our newsletter. | | | | |
| | | | Don Kochan, Deputy Reeve for Division 2 - read Don's November Division 2 newsletter Springbank Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Read about the plan. From the County - On December 13, 2022, Council approved the MDP Review Project Terms of Reference. The project consists of four phases and must be adopted by August 15, 2025. Springbank Area Structure Plans Read more Link to summary of community feedback From the County’s website: County Administration will provide an update to the Governance Committee on January 16, 2024, for consideration based on what we heard from the community, a new commercial demand analysis and further exploration of servicing concepts. An alternative option of maintaining the existing Springbank ASPs will also be presented to Governance Committee. Petro Canada The results of our community engagement are here. We will share the results with our councillors and planning at RVC. Fire Update As of December 9, 2023, there are no fire bans/advisory. For details on specific fire restrictions during an advisory, visit Fire Bans & Advisories webpage. For information on fire bans and advisories in other areas of the province, visit AlbertaFireBans.ca. Council Resolution Tracker More information on the council’s resolution tracker. Highway 8 Corridor No updates. | | | | |
| | | | Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) The SCA met separately with Alberta Parks and Alberta Water Infrastructure to advocate for the advancement of the SR1 Land Use recommendations. The draft land use plan is available here. Bow River Dam The feasibility study was supposed to be released this year but it looks to be delayed until next summer. Read here for more information on the Bow River Reservoir Options initiative, including feasibility study updates and engagement opportunities. Ring Road Read updates. | | | | |
| | | |  The Fall Fair was a showcase for many home-grown entrepreneurs and makers. Thomas Sopher is a young wood-worker that got his start at Springbank schools! Check out TS Wooden Creations at tswoodencreations.com and see his cool designs where he melds wood with epoxy, among other things. | | | | |
| | | | Discovery Corner Preschool Miss Renee and Miss Ana, Directors ~ 403-472-1477 | | | | |
| | | | Springbank 4H Insider Our 4H members are working hard in their training clinics. Our two newest members are learning new skills while the three more experienced ones are reviewing some skills they worked on last year.  Lately we worked on some basic obedience like “sit” and “stay” along with “long sit” and obstacle courses (tunnels, low jumps, cones, bridge). Coming soon will be some practise with a commercial grade teeter totter our group decided to purchase to benefit our canine clinics.  Nina built this penguin as part of a challenge and shared it with our group.  You’ll find our five pups wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season! | | | | | |
| | | | Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre Looking for a local activity to celebrate the holiday season? Join Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre Society for our third annual Christmas production. This original musical, Christmas at the Creekside Grill, was co-written by our President, Trisha Gizen, and Artistic Director, Melanie Baux. It is a heartwarming story that is sure to entertain audience members of all ages. The production runs December 15 to 17, 2023 and features a cast from Bragg Creek, Calgary, Cochrane, and Canmore. Buy tickets! Why not spend the day in Bragg Creek? We have partnered with eleven local restaurants and the Bragg Creek Distiller. Our partners are offering 10-15% off your food purchase when you present your Swamp Donkey performance ticket. Show tickets and a full list of our partners and their offers can be found at www.swampdonkeytheatre.ca. We hope to see you at the show! | | | | | |
| | | | Springbank Heritage Club January schedule begins January 8! Monday activities *Pickle Ball....12:30p - 4:30p (members only) Tuesday activities *Singing...10a-12p *Games....1p-4p Wednesday activities *Weights & Balance....9:30a-10:30a (beings Jan 17) *Craft, Chat, Coffee (CCC)....1p-4p Friday activities *Weights & Balance....9:30a-10:30a (begins Jan 19) Looking ahead Wed, Jan 10 - Sip and Paint (bring your wine, canvas, paints, brushes and smiles) February - Jubilation bus trip (featuring Beach Boys) March - Pizza Night Speaker (Fraud and Scams) Please contact Janice Lambert or visit the Springbank Heritage Centre. | | | | | |
| | | | CHAPS and CHINOOKS MOMENT | | | | |
| | | | There is much debate on how to replace the Springbank Community Hall. You may be surprised that less than 100 years ago, a “Hall” that we still see in southwest Calgary was an important Springbank gathering place, spearheaded and built by residents. Willingdon Hall named after Freeman-Thomas Willingdon, Governor General of Canada from 1926-1930 During the late ‘20’s, when more families were taking up residence to the west of Calgary, in the vicinity of 17th Avenue, the need for a community hall was suggested. Early in 1928, meetings were held in January and February to hear the views and feelings of residents. It was decided to build a hall. Money had to be raised because this was a sizable community project. Mr. Richard Loxam gave the handsome donation of the property, on which to build. Mr. Bill Colpitts and Miss Kay Atkins did a lot of canvassing in the city among the business people. A few that came to mind are Patrick Burns, $50.00, A.M. Shaver (now McInnis and Holloway) $10.00, bricks for the chimney were donated by Harry Crandell of Crandell’s Brick Plant, Brickburn; plus many, many more too numerous to list. (…) Many willing hands hastened the construction, and before seeding time, the building was well advanced under the skillful direction of William Hoskins, better known as ‘Skipper’. Wm McKendrick’s commendable work in laying the hardwood floor has been enjoyed by thousands over the years. Although contributions of monies, goods and labor were generous among the residence (sic) and business firms, there was still quite a financial obligation to meet. Mr. Harry Cooper came to the rescue with the final payment for the materials. The piano used in the hall for many years also came from the Cooper home. By the end of May, the hall, although not completely finished inside was now ready to serve the needs of the community. (…) As well as a weekly dance the hall served as a meeting place in the community for youth groups, the Red Cross, etc. (…) In the early 1940’s Mr. Harry Cooper passed away, leaving his affairs in the hands of his brother, Richard. It had been arranged by the Cooper brothers that at the time of their deaths anything still owing to them on the hall be wiped off. They requested the hall be renamed Cooper Memorial Hall, and remains the same to date. Chaps and Chinooks, Vol I, p. 125-6. | | | | |
Springbank Community Association Over 100 years serving the residents and businesses of Springbank Copyright © Springbank Community Association All rights reserved. |
| | | | Sponsored by Springbank's own ActiveDEMAND -The essential marketing automation tool for growing businesses. You have an awesome business but no marketing team. No problem. Market Automatically! | | | | |