PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE September has brought the start of a new school year, another Fall Fair and our 2nd Annual Old Tyme Country Dance. Though we were disappointed with the turnout compared to last year, we were so happy to welcome new families to the community and see so many people who love that they live in the area! If you didn’t come, let us know why – too many other competing activities? A dance is not for you? It’s only for young families? You didn’t know about it? Give us your feedback so we can make adjustments for next year or decide if it’s an event worth doing. Thanks as well for stopping by our booth at the Fall Fair. We wanted to hear your comments on what kind of facility would complement what we have in Springbank. Between what we heard in person and online with our survey, there are mixed views on having a banquet hall. Enhanced recreation with an indoor track for all, gymnasium, and even a swimming pool seem to be consistent wishes. Let us know what you want in a facility. We will be submitting our survey results and any other feedback to Rocky View County in order to have funds spent in the best possible way. The proposed community centre project is heading to Rocky View County’s Recreation Governance Committee on September 26. The report to be presented has not been released yet and we have not seen it. The SR1 funds are expected to be discussed at that meeting as well. Thanks to those who have participated in our Apple fundraiser. Reminder that pickup will be September 18 at the Springbank Heritage Club. Scroll this issue for fun activities in the community and beyond. See our usual updates on RVC and provincial projects which affect Springbank. Chaps and Chinooks this month is an excerpt of Trudy Copithorne’s article outlining ranching traditions, particularly those we associate with “farming”.  Wishing everyone a long and bountiful Autumn!
Our Apple/Pear Fundraiser Thank you for everyone for supporting the Apple and Pear Fundraiser! All apple and pear box orders (ordering is now closed) will be available for pickup only on Monday, September 18 at the Heritage Club from 5:00p-8:00p _____________________ Old Time Community Dance! Line dancing lessons were enjoyed by young and old at the Old Tyme Community Dance! and fun activities for all ages! _____________________ Lego Club is back! The program will run every Friday 4:30-6:00pm at the Equestrian Centre from October 20 to December 1. Free fun for ages 6-12! The program is hosted by our amazing Duke of Edinburgh teens. Duke of Edinburgh - 20 Bronze Awards presented! On September 15, Councillor Don Kochan joined us to present Bronze awards to these outstanding teens: Thanks to RVC Trustee Judi Hunter for her leadership of the Duke of Edinburgh program at the Springbank Chapter. _____________________ Want to rent our sign? Mr. Douglas did — quite the anniversary card! Rent our sign for only $50/week! _____________________ We are now offering our memberships for 2023 FREE of charge. Signup up TODAY!
Some Springbank Phoenix 80’s alumni (anyone recognize the names Astley, Longeway, Sandau or Toews?) have been enjoying SPFAS Pickleball throughout the summer. What a great use of the Park when the ice is out!
We appreciate the support of Alberta Indoor Comfort towards the production of our newsletter.
Thank you to Rocky View County for their support of the SCA! We received grants for beautification, operating funds and support for our fall community dance! Opportunities to join the RVC Board/Committees More information Fire Update As of September 16, there is a fire advisory for West Rocky View - more information. Council Resolution Tracker Click here for more information on the council’s resolution tracker. Springbank Area Structure Plans ASP online survey deadline was July 31st. We will update when we hear what comes from it. Highway 8 Corridor No updates.
Thanks so much to Kathleen Burk and RE/MAX for providing support to the production of our newsletter.
Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) Work continues to build up Springbank Road to connect to the newly raised Highway 22. There is still a ways to go until it reopens. Range 40 between Springbank Road and Twp Rd 250 is still closed except to local traffic. It has been widened (except for the underpass) and will be paved to serve as a detour in the event of a flood of Springbank Road. *UPDATE - Springbank Road at Highway 22 is scheduled to reopen to traffic on September 18, 2023. To facilitate the raising and realignment of Highway 22 as part of the Springbank Reservoir Project, the first 300 meters of Springbank Road east of Highway 22 is temporarily closed from August 16 through September 17, 2023, and is anticipated to reopen to traffic on Monday September 18, 2023. During the closure, there will be no access to Highway 22 from Springbank Road. Public will detour from Range Road 33 from August 16 through September 18. Please see the onsite signage for further details. Springbank Trails and Pathways joined us to tour MLA Sarah Elmeligi around the SR1 footprint to explain the project’s possible land-use opportunities, including a massive public recreation area south of the dam. The draft land use plan is available now. Bow River Dam No updates this month. You can find more information on the Bow River Reservoir Options initiative, including feasibility study updates and engagement opportunities here. Ring Road West Ring Road Updates
We’ve been visiting the Junior Gardeners who signed up for the program this spring and it’s such an interesting process. Every garden is different with a variety of successes! The Junior Garden Club is celebrating 25 years of activity this year. The Garden Club always has a booth at the Springbank Park for All Seasons Fall Fair where locally grown plants are offered for sale plus prizes are available for the Junior Garden Club participants. The Springbank Garden Club meets the third Tuesday of the month, September to June @ 7:30 pm at the Springbank United Church. Everyone welcome! Come listen to the gardening speaker and consider becoming a club member, only $25.00 a year. For more information contact Barb; 403 818 9017 or Simone; 403 830 1341 ~ Simone Byers
Discovery Corner Preschool Miss Renee and Miss Ana, Directors ~ 403-472-1477
The 2023-2024 school year is underway. We welcome Denise Weaver – new principal of Elbow Valley School. Brendan Trinca has moved as new principal of Heron’s Crossing. We welcome Richard Dupre as new assistant principal Springbank High School. Kara Bonikowsky has moved as new assistant principal of Community Learning Centre. This year promises to be challenging on many fronts but especially in the communities of Airdrie and Cochrane where enrolment pressures are mounting. Despite the Board’s and parent’s advocacy for new schools or significant portable allocation, no new school builds are in our near future. In both the communities of Airdrie and Cochrane that will mean a reorganization of the existing space to accommodate growth for the next few years. It is a situation that no parent wishes to see. The Board and administration are considering options. Microsoft Word’s Speech For children who struggle with writing or require accommodations Microsoft Word’s speech to text is a wonderful tool. Here is the link. You must have a Microsoft 365 subscription to use and stable internet. Schools have these. Open Word. Choose 'Dictate' (Word supports multiple language so it is also great for our language learners who can dictate in their native language and use google translate to English). Allow Word to access your microphone. Start voice typing. Punctuation is adding by simply saying the word eg. Comma: a comma will be inserted. New security rules are in place to support safety during the school day. Schools will announce measure in their newsletters. Educational Politics In my experience, education was never a top political topic. Certainly, there were political debates around education, but in today’s climate, educational politics has become almost combative. Here are a few of the issues to keep an eye on: - Cell phones in the classroom – some provinces will ban
- Sex education – what parents say, having opting-out and what is taught
- Pronouns and who gets to choose
- Use of Chat Gpt and other evolving technologies in learning
- Teacher shortages – recruitment and retention
- School builds
- Public versus private schools and funding
- Assessment – how is learning assessed – are diploma exams necessary
- Achievement acknowledgement
- Indigenous rights
- Special needs education
- Aggressive and abusive conduct towards staff
The Canadian Parents for French They are hosting some activities for French Immersion students at: - Elbow Valley
Halloween Activities Day- October 27 from 2:15pm - 4:00 pm for grade 3 and 4 students; and Christmas Craft Day - December 18 from 2:00pm - 4:30 pm for Grades 1 and 2 students.
- Springbank Middle School
French homework help - September 27, October 4, 11, 18 from 3:15pm - 4:15pm (Wednesdays). French Tutoring Paulina Anab is available for private French tutoring please text her at 587-894-1691 to arrange. Springbank Community High School They will be holding a community raffle to raise money for sports equipment - more to follow.
Springbank Friday Morning 50+ Mixed Curling League October will see the startup of the Friday Morning 50+ Mixed Curling League at SPFAS! New participants are always welcome from rank beginners upwards. A reasonably priced, socially oriented recreational activity awaits you to enhance your personal exercise routine. They’d be happy to have you join! The season is divided into two sessions: Fall: October-December and Winter: January-March. You can register for either or both sessions. If you prefer to play on an impromptu basis you can sign up as a spare. For beginners, and those who would appreciate the opportunity for a refresher there will be a training session available before the start of the play schedule. To register, or obtain further information, please contact: Brian Davies, Drawmaster, or Tim Presber, League President, 403-827-2755.
Springbank Dancers There’s nothing quite like the buzz of the dance studio at the start of a new season. Registration is still open but filling fast for their age 3-17 programs! Or if you have a little one, ready to grow and build confidence, check out Fine Arts Club for age 2-4 (Tues/Thurs mornings @ 9:30am):  They have great upcoming events, open to anyone in the community: Standard or Emergency First Aid & CPR courses, PL Day Camps, Movie Nights, and more! Check out our Special Events page here.  Lastly, don’t forget, they have great bootcamp, barre, dance, and yoga classes for adults. Click HERE for more information - classes start Sept. 11! Alternatively, you can text us at (403) 276-7918. |
Springbank Soccer Club Springbank Soccer Indoor registration is now open. Early bird fees available now! Any registration or payment question please contact the registrar at registrar@springbanksoccer.com. |
Springbank Heritage Club Activities Consider a membership $50.00 per year – take advantage of everything the Centre has to offer! (must be 50 years young to qualify) Upcoming Fall Events Mondays Pickleball starts again, Monday afternoons Wednesdays Balance, Weights & Aerobic Class (Stella) 12 classes - $75 members/$80 non Fridays Balance, Weights & Aerobic Class (Stella) 12 classes - $75 members/$80 non September 21 Fall Bus Trip to Kananaskis Golf Course Bus leaves @9:30 and Lunch @11:00 September 29 Happy Hour 5p-7p bring appetizer to share and your own beverage October 18 Pizza Night 6 Pillars of Aging Well: Exercise / Dietician / Mental Health / Physical / etc. October 27 Happy Hour 5p-7p bring appetizer to share and your own beverage November 8 Wine & Paint Night November 24 Happy Hour 5p-7p bring appetizer to share and your own beverage November 25 Gingerbread Christmas Market & Bake Sale $5.00 for gingerbread & beverage They are accepting baking donations for the bake table, a club fundraiser
Vendors wanted (hand crafted items only please) email Yvonne @ yjo999@gmail.com for applications and information This beautiful and functional facility is also available for rent. Birthday parties, Anniversaries, Celebrations of Life, Meetings etc. Please contact Janice Lambert or visit the Springbank Heritage Centre. Many thanks to the people who keep this facility running. You are all appreciated! |
TICKETS ON SALE NOW! KOAC’s 2nd annual HARRY KIYOOKA Memorial Fundraiser September 23, 2023 at Kiyooka Ohe Arts Centre (KOAC) 244034 Horizon View Road in Springbank Venice is unique environmentally, architecturally, and historically… and in its days as a republic, the city was styled La Serenissima — ‘the most sublime.’ Our 2023 HARRY KIYOOKA Memorial Fundraiser — ‘La Serenissima,’ promises to be the most sublime affair of the year at KOAC! On this Venetian-themed evening in honour of Harry, we invite you to enjoy: a special showcase of his Venetian series, with displays of his books and sketches a remarkable collection of contemporary artworks donated for silent auction from generous artists and collectors live classical music spritz drinks antipasti and the convivial company of friends who appreciate art! Tickets are $100 per guest. There is a limited number of tickets available for purchase. Looking forward to celebrating with you at KOAC in September! Get your tickets on eventbrite
Trudy Copithorne writes about Ranching Traditions which involve more traditional activities associated with grain farming. In May and June, the men were busy “farming” as they called it – putting in the crop. According to a local historian, in 1908, Dr. Ritchie purchased the Butler homestead at the mouth of the Jumping Pound Creek. On this land, he grew the first wheat to be successfully ripened. It was shipped from Cochrane in the fall of 1908 and was the first carload of wheat ever sent from a point west of Calgary. The most important crop, however, was oats (with the occasional Rye crop planted in some areas) which was generally cut as green feed. Old timers, when looking for homesteads, followed certain guidelines. In Brushy Ridge and Jumping Pound, men looked for land that was covered with Diamond Willow. This land promised dark rich soil whereas land covered with Poplars promised light, sandy soil. Decisions were made according to the hopes and dreams of the individual choosing his homestead. Chaps and Chinooks, Volume I, p. 41-42.
Road Safety Reminder We live in Springbank, with many roads and travellers – and farm equipment for the harvest. The combination of passenger vehicles, trucks and farm machinery give us exposure on most trips to risks for ourselves and others on the roads. Farm machinery is slow moving, oversize, and unpredictable as it moves among fields. Combine that with variable lighting, limited visibility and at movement all times of the day and night. We have an array of risks that require our full attention. Some tips: - Slow down
- Meet or pass machinery with great caution
- Maintain greater distances
- Be prepared for unexpected speeds or turns
- Be totally aware with no distractions
- Be prepared for anything
- Be courteous
- Know and comply with rules of the road
Let’s set a personal goal of everyone comes home safely! More safety tips - click here!
Springbank Community Association Over 100 years serving the residents and businesses of Springbank Copyright © Springbank Community Association All rights reserved.
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