PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE We can probably all agree that we are ready for better weather and the Northern Lights have been spectacular if you were lucky enough to see them! There is quite a bit of snow stacking up on side roads in the community.  Other things in Springbank are met with less agreement, but that’s what makes Springbank so great — people with different reasons for and perspectives on living in Springbank. The Springbank Community Association strives to be a balanced communicator so scroll to see updates on Costco and other Rocky View County dealings as well as current information on SR1. You may have received an email from “network@springbankcommunity.com”. If you did, we are hoping you will become a Network Leader for your Neighbourhood and help bring your community’s voice to the table. If you didn’t and are interested in learning more, please reach out to the above email address as we are missing representation from some neighbourhoods. In the spirit of expanding our Association reach, we are offering free membership. Please visit springbankcommunity.com for more information and/or to register for membership. This newsletter also has interesting content in our school section — from the SCHS Robotics team achieving fantastic results to junior kindergarten children field tripping to the Springbank Airport. Also scroll to see some fun upcoming activities and volunteer opportunities in our community. Stay warm and hope April brings some signs of spring! 
Fire Update West Rocky View is not under any fire ban or advisory at this moment - for more information. Council Resolution Tracker More information on the council’s resolution tracker. Bingham Crossing & Costco Costco has been issued a Development Permit by Rocky View County, subject to Costco satisfying a set of conditions. The Development Permit has been appealed and this appeal will be heard by the Subdivision Development and Appeal Board (SDAB) on March 30, 2023. Drawings related to the Costco application. The Notice of Decision which lists conditions. Our Board recognizes that the community's views on this application are mixed. As always, the Springbank Community Association (SCA) remains focussed on process and we would like to point out that the process through which this approval was granted is somewhat unique. - The nature of this approval, with its lengthy list of “prior to release conditions”, is evidence that RVC administration believes the applicant has not satisfied the requirements of the approved Master Site Development Plan.
- Unfortunately, the approval means that, should Costco satisfy administration's conditions, there will be no public review and discussion of the final set of drawings.
- In this instance, we have to effectively trust that RVC administration will hold Costo to the spirit of the original Bingham Crossing Master Site Development Plan and Conceptual Scheme.
- This has created a situation where the appeal is based on some set of future drawings that are acceptable to administration. This varies from a typical approval in which the drawings would be effectively finalized.
In our view, there appear to be two major concerns about the approval: - Aesthetics: We have encouraged RVC administration (repeatedly) to uphold the standards approved in the Master Site Development Plan, which includes a high level of architectural control.
- Traffic: We will request that Administration and / or Subdivision Development and Appeal Board (SDAB) require a permanent condition that Costco be responsible to remedy traffic issues in a timely manner.
What YOU can do: For those interested in commenting on Costco, we anticipate that there will be an appeal to the approval of the Development Permit. Residents have an opportunity to participate in the SDAB hearing by submitting comments or presenting in person. Read for more information on the SDAB. Submissions can be made to sdab@rockyview.ca. Please refer to PRDP20220517. If you have questions, we encourage residents to contact the RVC planner responsible: Jacqueline Targett If you want to speak to someone at the SCA about our position, please email planning@springbankcommunity.com SDAB Details Changes to the Springbank Recycling Depot On March 14, Administration presented a report to Council regarding the Springbank Recycling Depot. Residents have expressed frustration about access at the site and restrictive hours of operation and we have elevated these concerns to Administration. Read the presentation to Council. Administration is recommending “Option 1” which would include operational / management changes to the site, but leave the site & configuration the same. Note that the site is leased by the County, but owned by the adjacent landowner (approved Counselling /Treatment Centre) Community Centre We have expressed our concerns to RVC that the Phase 1 presented to Council needs more work and input from the community. We are working to establish a small working group to improve on the concept presented to Council so that it is more functional for our community. Read the report presented to Council. If you are passionate about getting this facility “right for Springbank”, please email our President. Highway 8 Corridor On March 13, Council held a public hearing on a proposed rezoning at Camp Hope (see map) Alberta Environment and Parks owns the land, which is leased by Camp Hope. Read the Administration report. The proposal is for a 7500 square foot kitchen / dining facility. Neighbors have raised concerns that this building will be set near to the river and is at risk of flooding. Existing flood maps for the area are decades old. Springbank Area Structure Plans No updates. Follow along here to check progress.
Thanks so much to Kathleen Burk and RE/MAX for providing support to the production of our newsletter.
SR1 We have repeatedly asked Alberta Transportation for updates on SR1. After many unsuccessful attempts, they finally responded with the following (highlighting for effect): - We asked for updates similar to the West Ring Road (some photos & explanation of the work). They said:
- Thank you for your patience. The Springbank Reservoir Project (SR1) team does not have sufficient resources to provide an update similar to the West Calgary Ring Road, and will continue to share information via project emails and the project website. Your comments regarding photos and general updates are noted and will be shared with the project team for awareness.
- We asked about construction & construction vehicles on Highway 22: They said:
- Information related to ongoing works and impacts to the travelling public will be communicated over the course of the project, as it becomes known. This information will continue to be shared via the website, emails, and through 511 Alberta as appropriate. The Springbank Community Association is welcome to share the project website and direct residents to the site to receive accurate information regarding this project. [SCA Note: No updates on construction have been provided at all since construction began - the only communications were to do with burning]
- We asked about the location of air quality monitoring stations. They said:
- Air quality data collection is ongoing as part of the construction of this project and are situated around the perimeter of the project. Information on the exact location of data collectors is not being shared with the public at this time to prevent tampering of equipment.
Meanwhile, AEP presented to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board and sent a follow-up email to RVC, which includes contacts to the various agencies responsible for SR1. See below: Thank you for following up and for the interest in the Springbank project. I know the project has received a high degree of interest and concern from the local Springbank community. To help clarify roles on the project under the new government organizational structure, the following Ministries have key responsibilities. Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors : project proponent, lead on the regulatory approval process, and on construction of the infrastructure. For enquiries on construction or the project as a whole: SR1.communityliaison@gov.ab.ca Alberta Environment and Protected Areas : lead on land use planning for the reservoir lands. For enquiries on land use planning: SR1LandUse@gov.ab.ca , or feel free to reach out to me directly Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation: water infrastructure operator and manager. They will take ownership over the project when construction is complete. Additional groups within these and other ministries such as Alberta Forestry, Parks and Tourism have additional responsibilities including for fish and wildlife management, rangeland/grazing management, recreation, environmental monitoring, etc. The government project website contains information on the project as a whole, but not up to date information on construction activities. This background information will be of interest to those looking to understand what the project is. The prime construction contractor, Vinci, is creating a new webpage that will be updated regularly on construction activities. This hasn’t been launched yet, but I understand it will be in the near future. Currently, the webpage only speaks to being awarded the contract. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, a senior manager has been hired to work with Alberta Transportation on construction activities and will continue to work with Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation once the project is operational. This position’s responsibilities will include being a community liaison. This position will be filled at the end of the month, and will be your key contact for updates on construction and operations. Bow River Dam No updates this month. You can find more information on the Bow River Reservoir Options initiative, including feasibility study updates and engagement opportunities. Ring Road No updates this month.
Voice of a Springbank Resident I am writing as a proud resident of SPRINGBANK! My family has been living in Springbank for a few years now and we cannot get over the beauty of this area. Furthermore, I am also a Calgary junior kindergarten teacher at Calgary French & International School and my students are all fascinated by AIRPLANES! Recently, we had an event which perfectly blended kids’ interests and resources within the beautiful community of Springbank. My students were asking about planes and travelling, playing pretend pilots, airport staff, air traffic controllers and flight agents, asking to watch videos on the app planefinder, making drones with Legos, etc. In light of this, and rich of my experience with the great airport in the area, I organized our first fieldtrip at the Calgary Flying Club of Springbank Airport! I’ve never seen so many flight enthusiasts within one group of 4 year olds! This is not an adult imposed theme, it stems 100% from their expressed likes! And we could transform this into a wonderful learning opportuntiy, all in our Springbank Community! Calgary French & International School, also known as CFIS, is the leading independent full French immersion school in Alberta. Nestled in the SW Calgary community of Cougar Ridge, CFIS offers programming for preschool through Grade 12 students, and is focused on preparing children to understand the world around them and be active participants in it. The CFIS learning community provides an immersive French language learning environment that inspires children’s unique curiosity and exploration of the world around them through International Baccalaureate, UNESCO and travel studies programming. By the time they graduate high school, students are bilingual in French and English, and speak fluent Spanish. Moving forward, I will certainly continue to seek great activities for my students in Springbank, as the possibilities are numerous and vastly interesting. Annemarie Meunier Junior Kindergarten Lead Teacher, Calgary French and International School
Springbank High School The Springbank Robotics Team is bound for Worlds! Last weekend, the FIRST Robotics Provincials were held in Red Deer with one of the teams performing well and other coming away with an outstanding achievement… an invitation to the FIRST World Championships in Houston, Texas. The team, comprised of Grade 10-11 students won both the competition and the Inspire Award (FIRST’s more prestigious award) alongside another alliance team. Most of the team members have only been in robotics for two (2) years so this is an amazing accomplishment for all of them. The team also won the Think Award recognizing their community outreach, robot design, and engineering journey. None of this could have happened without the support of the SCHS’s robotics teacher, Mr. Mathew, for all of the late nights and early mornings that he spent with the team building. The team wanted to thank Heidi Otteson for her countless hours planning for the competition and supervising the team. The team also wanted to say a special thank you to Tridyne Projects, their sponsor, for their mentorship and generous donation to the team. The team is unbelievably excited for the opportunity to compete at World’s. This is the first time the Springbank Robotics Team has performed this well at Provincials, much less made it to Worlds and they are very proud of the hard work they put in this year! Lastly, they would like to request the help of the community though bottle donations to assist them in the fundraising to go to Huston. When you drop your bottles off at the Springbank Bottle Depot (located at #12, 110 Commercial Drive) if you could please consider donating any portion of your recyclables to the team that would be invaluable to them. Congratulations to the team and go Phoenix! Jordan Inverarity ~ Springbank High School student and board member
Two of George McDougall High School's creative writing students joined the ranks of published authors this week as their recent works are now available on Amazon! Grade 10 student Kaylee Yu and Grade 11 student Sadie Tranter said it was surreal to have an assignment they began in their creative writing class at George McDougall progress to this point. The Stoney Nakoda First Nation in southwestern Alberta is using the written word as a way to preserve its traditional oral language. Stoney is being taught to the 1,500 students on the First Nation, starting off a few years ago with a basic textbook. An advanced textbook and dictionary were introduced Monday to be used for teaching the language in school, along with a podcast where elders tell stories. I attended the “Threads of Culture” webinar January 25 and 26 sponsored by Saskatoon Open Door Society. It took the form of cultural conversations. A variety of speakers shared how their perception of other cultures change when the person actually lived in that other culture. There was a realization that we often receive our perspectives of other cultures from biases that formed in the culture in which we live. The webinar shared histories of stories and dance from other cultures and explored the importance of stories and dance in culture. The webinar explored the reasons for leaving one’s country and the adjustments that are made as they create a new home in Canada. The Alberta government produce the following infograph. This demographic forecast has many implications for the school system but society as well. 4 out of 5 Albertans will live in the Calgary – Edmonton corridor by 2046. The Board approved a locally developed course French 15. It is a preparatory course, intended to improve French fluency. As of Jan. 20, 2023, the number of students enrolled in RVS schools is 27,825, an increase of 213 since Sept. 30, 2022. This brings the total number of new students joining RVS for the current school year to 1,203. Trustees approved spending a maximum of $1.84 million to install an artificial turf field at the junior/senior school currently under construction in Langdon. Trustees directed Superintendent of Schools to develop an administrative procedure outlining the parameters, process and approvals involved in third parties operating before- and after-school (B&AS) programs in RVS schools. Finding space for B&AS programs in RVS’ already over-utilized schools is a challenge. The focus for RVS will remain on the education of students. Where flexible space is available and practical then a B&AS program could be considered. The Alberta government has just announced that new schools will be in this spring's budget. Hopefully RVS will be a recipient.
Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre Presents: |
You're Invited! ROARR Volunteer Open House Attention all ROARR Volunteers and all those who are interested in volunteering for ROARR... they would like to invite you to an Open House on Wednesday, March 15. Come meet the ROARR team and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of RiverCross Ranch and meet the stars of the show (including Star herself). ROARR is a registered non-profit organization that offers Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) programs for youth at-risk and seniors in need. They are actively looking for new volunteers to join the team, especially to support in our Senior lunch program. If you live in and around the Springbank, Cochrane or Bragg Creek area and would like to help out, please join on March 15.
RSVP to Tracy@roarr.org
Look forward to seeing you there! |
Springbank Ladies Time Out They have begun our Winter session and are enjoying getting together with friends old and new. There is still room in many of their classes including cooking, crafts, floral and games. Everyone is welcome to join Monday mornings: 9:00-11:00am, at Eden Brook Reception Centre on Lower Springbank Road for a cup of coffee, snack, and a visit. Visit Facebook, website or email for more informaiton |
Springbank Dancers Did you know that Springbank Dancers has proudly been a part of Springbank for over 2 decades??? They love continuing to connect more with our amazing community and watching our students grow, both as dancers and people! In February, they had so much fun at their Community Movie Night (always open to anyone aged 7-12), and they welcome more new friends at their next one!  And check out their 6 week mini-sessions, which are ongoing and still open for registration!    Lastly, they have great bootcamp, barre, dance, and yoga classes for adults, open to a range of levels. Click HERE for more information and to request a FREE WEEK OF CLASSES! Looking for more information? Contact Miss Mikki and she will be happy to forward our program information. |
In celebration of International Women’s Day, we recognize the pioneer women of Springbank. The Methodist Ladies Aid, later called U.C.W., was one group of the United Church which did so much for the community. Chaps and Chinooks, Volume I, p. 114. Eva Wills writes about an eventful meeting in 1903 which her mother, Georgina Henning hosted. My mother, Mrs. George Henning, was a member of the Ladies Aid of the Union Church when she came to Alberta in 1900. In October of 1903, it was her turn to have the meeting, so she cleaned house and got dinner ready for the noon meal. I was born that night. Our good neighbor, Mrs. Frayn was looking after us. There was no way to spread the news so of course, the members came as usual. Dinner was ready so Mrs. Frayn put it on the table and after the ladies went on with their meeting. I was given a silver mug which I still have. So you might say I’ve been a member of the Springbank Ladies Aid or U.C.W. as we call it today, since the day I was born. Chaps and Chinooks, Volume I, p. 118.
March 23 6:30pm - 8:30pm Springbank High School Evidence-based strategies and tools to help you help your children cope with and manage anxiety, depression and trauma. RSVP required in advance - REGISTER NOW Christine has worked extensively in the field of anxiety, both as a researcher and aclinician. She completed her coursework and clinical training in the PhD program in Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia and her research focuses on exploring parents’ process of seeking and accessing psychological treatment for their children with anxiety. Mental Health Topics: Low mood/depression, anxiety disorders, perfectionism, distress intolerance, obsessive compulsive disorder, Trauma, emotional literacy and emotional regulation.
Springbank Community Association Over 100 years serving the residents and businesses of Springbank Copyright © Springbank Community Association All rights reserved.
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