PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Hats Off to the Graduates of SCHS and other schools in our community! Can you believe another school year is almost in the books?! It is a busy month ahead in our community with some unique events. Scroll the newsletter to see what you can take part in right away. There are several summer camp opportunities as well, including our own Springbank Community Association sponsored camps. Check them out. We feature a local garden this month and, as always, check out the newsletter for Rocky View County updates, our school activities, including Jordan Inverarity’s valedictory address, and our school trustee report. With summer on our doorstep, wishing you a great month ahead, with hopefully some rain in the forecast!
We appreciate the support of Alberta Indoor Comfort towards the production of our newsletter.
Don Kochan's - Councillor for Division 2 - newsletter with Division 2 updates. Read Don Kochan's newsletter. County Open House Wednesday, July 12, 2023 9:00am All Rocky View County residents and families are invited to come say hello and enjoy the morning with us at County Hall - 262075 Rocky View Point, Rocky View County • Free pancake breakfast! • Live displays from County Departments including fire, enforcement, transportation, waste and recycling, and agriculture! • Family-friendly activities, such as face painting, a clown, and a petting zoo! • Music This event is an excellent opportunity to mingle with other residents and learn more about County services and departments. We hope to see you there! Fire Update As of June 8, West Rocky View is under a fire advisory - more information. Safe & Sound Take a few minutes to sign up for Safe & Sound by RVC. Although not all information is shared by Safe & Sound, you should receive development permits and other application information relevant to your specific area. Division 1 Open House Wednesday, June 21 - 6:00 PM - 8PM @ Bragg Creek Community Centre Join Division 1 Councillor Kevin Hanson to hear the latest County news, ask questions, and provide feedback. Interested residents are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be provided. Council Resolution Tracker More information on the council’s resolution tracker. Development Permit Tracker This is a new effort by RVC to publicly share development permits by Division. We have been asking RVC administration to post developments by division, so this is a step in the right direction. The main limitation is that the page is sorted by date of approval, so you have to check each date and then refer to your division (Springbank (Div 1 and 2), Highway 8 corridor (Div 1) and Harmony (Div 2)). We have emailed RVC to request that links to the applications be provided with the development permit information and to list all permits by Division first, rather than date of approval. From RVC: In response to resident feedback and recent strategic planning reviews, the County has implemented a significant service improvement related to the approval and notification process for Development Permits. This service update will provide a clearer process and greater access to information for the public to obtain documents related to development permit decisions. As of May 30, 2023, copies of all development permit Notice of Decision (with attached conditions) for approvals within the appeal period, will be accessible online through the County website. Bingham Crossing & Costco A decision on the Costco appeal was released on May 26. The appeal of RVC’s approval of the Costco store was denied. At this point, the development will proceed with RVC administration responsible for ensuring all the conditions of the approval are met. Once we have an update on construction, we will share it out. Read the full decision here. Community Centre Please take a few minutes to respond to our survey on recreation! We have three main questions we are looking for input on: - Use of the money generated from the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1)
- Input on the land acquired in Springbank for recreation
- Input on the preliminary concept plan for the new community centre prepared by RVC
Springbank Area Structure Plans There are rumours of a June open house for the Area Structure Plan, but there is nothing listed on the RVC website. Follow our FB page for updates when we receive them.
Thanks so much to Kathleen Burk and RE/MAX for providing support to the production of our newsletter.
Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) In their first update in months, Alberta Transportation (AT) provided the following information regarding construction. Note that it appears that the massive 30m berm will be constructed this summer using material dug out from the 4.5km diversion channel. While we can all see the construction, AT has advised that they are not able to provide regular updates as they do not have the budget to do so. They also will not tell us the location of the air quality monitoring stations. 24 Hours/Day - 7 Days Per Week Construction to Begin May 31, 2023 May 31, 2023 - Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir Project This construction season, an estimated 3.5 million cubic metres of fill material will be moved as part of construction of the Springbank Off-stream Dam Project. This requires the movement of 35,000 cubic metres of fill material daily. The contractor will need to use all good weather days to complete this work. Beginning May 31, 2023, earthwork operations will proceed on a 24-hour schedule, 7 days per week, including holidays. This schedule is expected to continue for the duration of the summer and end later in fall. Fill material from the Diversion Channel (highlighted in yellow on the map above), will be excavated, loaded onto trucks and hauled to the placement area at the Dam (highlighted in purple above). Trucks will use the temporary bridge above Highway 22 constructed to remove all impacts to public traffic using Highway 22. Over the course of the season, work will also be advancing on various concrete structures onsite including the Diversion Inlet, Emergency Spillway, Debris Deflection Barrier, Service Spillway, Grade Control Structure, Auxiliary Spillway and two bridges. Concrete pours may be completed at night. Noise, dust and changes to the landscape will be ongoing as this work is completed. Given the location of this project, overall impacts to the public are anticipated to be minimal; however, area residents will notice significant activity on site. This season, to support construction, between 600 and 800 skilled construction people will be onsite, including: 200-300 earthworks labourers, 150 labourers completing civil works, 150 staff completing subcontractor specializations and 100 staff and consultants. First Nations and Indigenous groups are part of the project and include personnel in the categories mentioned above. The site is a busy workspace and is closed to the general public. Members of the general public who choose to enter site are trespassing and are putting themselves and construction workers at risk. Please respect the work area and obey all construction signage. Thank you for your cooperation as this project continues. SR1 Project - Temporary bridge installed above Highway 22 to allow material hauling being performed without impacting the public traffic. For any questions please email or the email the Community Liaison. Thank you, Springbank Off-stream Reservoir Project Team Bow River Dam No updates this month. You can find more information on the Bow River Reservoir Options initiative, including feasibility study updates and engagement opportunities. Ring Road No updates this month.
Welcome to local gardener, Cathy Stotts’ garden retreat! Over the years she and her husband have put a lot of sweat equity into creating this special place. Vegetables, perennials and shrubbery thrive in this Springbank garden. Cathy has had luck with peonies, clematis, lilies, hardy roses, lilac, delphinium (though carefully keeping horses away from it), and early maturing vegetables, though is experimenting with pumpkins this year! What also makes this garden so magical as you walk through, are the winding pathways, arbors and metalwork, imagined and created by this lovely couple. ______________ The community gardens have been planted at SPFAS! If you are interested in volunteering to help maintain them, please call 403-242-2223.
Discovery Corner Preschool Miss Renee and Miss Ana, Directors ~ 403-472-1477
Calgary Changemaker School
 Do you know a teen (16+) or adult who loves working with children and would like to gain valuable leadership experience as a paid camp counsellor this summer? They have one remaining job opening available (training provided) -please reach out to our Camps Director: Megan.Berling@changemakersedu.com.
Springbank High School
 Good afternoon friends, family, faculty, and class of 2023. My name is Jordan Inverarity and it is an honor to stand before all you today and give a farewell to all you. We have learned and grown so much together over these past four years at Springbank Community High. Ms. Hughes taught us the importance of vocabulary words and what an oxford comma was, Mr. Kungel taught us that the north pole isn’t really north and that titrations are rather difficult when you are colourblind, but most importantly, Mr. Mathews and Ms. McEvoy lived in Yellowknife. And though all of this is undoubtedly necessary to our lives, I believe the best lesson that we learned at Springbank is how important it is to be important, to leave a legacy. Whether this legacy you leave is by having your name in a textbook or by being TNT’s worst parker, the mark and impression that you leave on the world and on those around you is what will make you important. As we move into the next phase of our lives I think should remember the words of Ms. Rhys-Brown after we had received our diploma marks. She said “I don’t even remember what I got on my diploma’s. Though those marks may feel like they define you now, in the big picture they really don't matter. What matters is how good of a chemistry teacher I am. How good of a mother, sister, and friend.” When we talk about leaving a legacy and being important I believe that we must keep this mind. These little things that feel like they define you right now, whether this is a bad decision or something you said, they are not what you are. They are not the impact you make. That comes from baking your friends cookies every Wednesday or sharing a favorite song. I’d like to take a moment to thank a few incredibly important people in getting us here today and people who have left an impact on our lives. Thank you to Ms. Lambie and Ms. Thessien for your support though figuring out our post-secondary plans and for dragging us across the finish line and thank you to Ms. Rhys-Brown for your constant analogies. I remember sitting at my desk learning about equilibrium and suddenly I hear “So think of it like a bathtub.” Thank you to Mr. Mathews for always keeping class interesting with your stories such as the time a mom yelled at you because her daughter found out she was adopted after your lesson on genetics. Thank you to Mr. Mathew for always telling me to dream big and letting me launch a bottle rocket even though it almost went though someone’s foot. Thank you Mr. Carder for making us laugh with your questionable math jokes and lessons on the “social sciences”. And finally a huge thank you to the class of 2023. Thank you all for being important people in my life and for the memories that will last a lifetime. When I look back on my highschool memories it is not the krebs cycle or the chain rule that comes to mind but time spent with friends. So now that we are graduates and will soon be sharing farewells in the parking lot that we could never park in because people would take our spots, I hope that you will all remember that we are important. Regardless if we are recognized by the world or by a single person because being remembered and leaving a legacy is not about recognition but about what we did to make the lives around us slightly better. I don’t remember much from grade 5 but I remember having a classmate tell me my pants were on inside out and saving me the embarrassment of having them that way all day. Same with grade 9 when I was upset over a test and someone I didn’t even know told me in the hall “I’m not sure what’s wrong but we all have days like this and I hope you feel better.” I don’t remember what test I was upset about or even what class it was in but I remember that feeling of gratitude towards those people. The choice they made that day to make my life slightly better though a simple sentence is something that I remember 5 years later. Our time spent together these past years will not be remembered by our grades on the math diploma or by popularity. They will be remembered by who we were, our relationships and who we wanted to be. For it is those things that will make us important, and those things that create a legacy. So take a moment to think, as we sit here, graduates of Springbank Community High and reflect on what it is you have already accomplished, who you are important to now and who is important to you. Think of the legacy that you will leave in the minds of those that surround you now, what stories they will tell of you and what you will tell of them. Now shift your attention to what it is you want to accomplish, how you want to be and will be important. What you want people to say and think of you and how you will change the world and leave your mark. Class of 2023, I’d like to leave you all with a quote from Mr. Worldwide, “we’re just out here working hard and doing what we do best; grind, hustle and anything possible to create new opportunities. Life is to live it, not to let it live you.” And even though Ms. White told me I could only use one rhetorical question per paper, this is a speech so here’s a few more. As we move on to great things in this next chapter of our lives, meet new people, learn new things, and accomplish more than we ever dreamed, ask yourself “how am I going to be important? How can I make an impact and leave the world a better place? It is people like us and thoughts like that that will change the world. So, fellow peers in the class of 2023, I thank you for a wonderful 4 years and wish you the very best. Together let's be important and together lets change the world. Jordan Inverarity ~ Valedictorian Speech, Springbank High School Valedictorian and Board Member
New Four-Year Learning Plan The Board of Trustees approved the new Four-Year Learning Plan. The plan is focused on three main areas: Advancing numeracy and literacy; Building future-ready students; and creating inclusive, safe, and healthy learning opportunities for all students. Please visit www.rockyview.ab.ca to see the full details of the plan. RVS Has Highest Family Engagement with myBlueprint Across Canada myBlueprint is RVS’ student portfolio and education planner platform where students can select and showcase various artifacts to self-reflect upon their learning. These portfolios chronicle students’ stories and allow them to reflect on their learning journey. RVS has the highest family engagement in myBlueprint in Canada. I had the privilege of attending a presentation by a Bearspaw teacher sharing her Grade 2 class fish project. Students were able to grow fish from eggs and watch the fish develop as they moved from eggs to alevin to fry to fish. Bow Habitat supplied the fish eggs. Students documented the growth stages of the fish, learning about fungi and ammonia production that affected the health of the fish. They also learned about temperature criteria that affected the fish. Ultimately students were able to release the fish into one of the approved water areas. They learned about licensing required to release the trout. Over 2 million trout are released into 240 lakes in Alberta each year. Webinars operated once a week by Habitat supported the student learning. June is graduation month. Congratulations to all the students graduating from Springbank High School moving on the universities and post-secondary institutions across Canada. Congratulations as well to those choosing to take a gap year and explore the options available to them. Congratulations to Jordan Inverarity selected as the Valedictorian for this year’s graduating class. Jordan is truly a trailblazer. She has been a student journalist for the Springbank Community Association, a team lead in the robotics program, winner of a research position with the Alberta Health and accepted into a program bioscience program at University of British Columbia on her path to becoming a neurologist. Anyone who attended the Springbank Open House May 25, would recognize the opportunities for youth, not only in academics, but also the arts, robotics, and athletics. Congratulations to Springbank High School students H.Gillcrist, L. Berry, and W. Kraus for achieving 100% on their biology 30 diploma exams and to their teacher, Mr. Matthews. Our grade 8 students at Banded Peak, Bearspaw, Springbank Middle and Westbrooks school are also celebrating 9 years of schooling in their respective schools. I would like to recognize the contributions of our dedicated School Council members who work tirelessly as volunteers to support our students, staff, and schools. Without the involvement of these dedicated parents, our students would not have the opportunities they do. Please take the time to share your appreciation of these amazing parents. Rocky View Schools has created an Indigenous branch to support the work of the Truth and Reconciliation report, ensure staff have the knowledge and understanding to meet the new Teacher Quality Standards, Leadership Quality Standards and to reduce the gap in achievement for our Indigenous students. Congratulations to Brandy Perry, a teacher at Beiseker School that was Rocky View Schools' nominee for the Edwin Parr Award. She was also selected to represent Alberta School Boards - Zone 5 for the provincial award. The Edwin Parr award to presented to an outstanding first year teacher. On June 3-5, 61 public boards across Alberta met to vote on educational position statements which will be presented to government. From July 3-5, National School Boards conference will focus on indigenous education and perspectives as well as governance best practices.
Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre Announcing the 2023/2024 season line up! Three mainstage productions (The Spitfire Grill, Christmas in the Creek, and Oklahoma!) and two youth musical theatre course productions. Auditions for our 2023/2024 season will take place Sunday, June 11 and Monday, June 12 at the Swamp Donkey Theatre located at 16 White Avenue in Bragg Creek.   Full audition and production information along with the audition sign-up today! |
Join ROARR for the Cowboy Croquet Open Fundraiser! Sunday, June 11 11:00am - 5:00pm Busted Shoulder Lodge, Springbank ROARR is thrilled to invite you to their Cowboy Croquet Open Fundraiser on June 11. It's a day filled with fun activities for the whole family while supporting a great cause. ROARR partnered with Shaw Birdies for Kids presented by AltaLink (BFK) and with every donation made to ROARR, they will match to 50% to amplify its impact. Highlights of the event include: Croquet Tournament: Gather your team of four and compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals. The tournament is open to all ages, so bring your friends and family for a friendly competition. Vendor Market: Explore a variety of local artisans and vendors offering unique products and crafts. It's a perfect opportunity to find something special while supporting small businesses. Live Entertainment: Enjoy live music and performances throughout the day, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere. Kids Zone: Keep the little ones entertained with a dedicated kids zone featuring games, activities, and more. There will be plenty of smiles and laughter! Stampede Royalty Visit: Get a chance to meet and greet the Stampede Royalty, adding a touch of western charm to the event. Beer Gardens: Relax and unwind in the beer gardens, where you can enjoy refreshing beverages and socialize with friends and fellow attendees. 50/50 Draw and Raffle Baskets: Test your luck and enter the 50/50 draw for a chance to win exciting cash prizes. Don't forget to check out the raffle baskets filled with amazing goodies. Make a difference in the lives of seniors in need and at-risk youth by participating in this incredible fundraising event. All funds raised will support our programs aimed at providing essential services to these vulnerable groups. Mark your calendars for June 11 and join them at Busted Shoulder Lodge for a day of laughter, entertainment, and community spirit. Together, we can make a positive impact! Admission is Free (registration fees apply for croquet teams) & BBQ Lunch sponsored by Cochrane Toyota Questions? Contact Tracy Brooker Look forward to seeing you there! _____________ BOOK FAIR & SWAP Book Fair at RiverCross Ranch in Springbank, AB! Mark your calendars for Friday, June 16, from 12:00pm to 5:00pm. Discover a world of literary wonders and meet our special guest, Lisa Bowes, renowned sports journalist and author of the best-selling "Lucy Tries Sports" book series. Don't miss this opportunity to swap out your old books for something new! Explore a wide selection of books, support a local author, and celebrate the joy of reading together. See you there! |
WestLife Church  Your invited to Westlife's annual Sport's Camp where they will introduce your children to a variety of sports throughout the week and is guaranteed to be a lot of fun. Register today! |
Wildcats Baseball July Camps and Clinics & Stampede Showdown Wildcats Baseball is excited to share that the Webber Academy Athletic Park will play host to three weeks of baseball camps this summer! Don’t miss out on experiencing one of Canada's premier baseball parks and learning from some of the best coaches in the game. Wildcats Baseball clinics will be held July 4-7, July 18-21 and August 14-18 with both morning and afternoon sessions held for each week of camps. Their camps are designed for players aged 7-13 - morning beginner sessions cater to those looking to try baseball for the first time and enjoy a week of sunshine on one of our full-turf fields. Their advanced afternoon baseball sessions are for those who have a strong knowledge of baseball fundamentals and are looking to hone their skills for their ongoing Little League or Baseball Alberta season. Morning sessions run from 8:30am - 12:30am Tuesday - Friday and afternoon sessions run from 12:30pm - 4:30pm Tuesday - Friday.  Learn more and register for a Summer Baseball Camps! As all of Calgary awaits the Stampede, Wildcats Baseball is excited to invite 10 premier baseball teams from across Western Canada to the Inaugural Stampede Showdown Tournament at the Webber Academy Athletic Park July 13 - 16. Along with phenomenal 18U AAA Baseball, the Wildcats will be hosting additional events including a Silent Auction, a 50/50 draw, and will host a variety of food trucks throughout the week. If you are interested in the tournament or for inquiries - contact them today! |
Springbank Heritage Club Activities Ongoing Activities MONDAYS PickleBall - 12:30pm-4:30pm - Members Only
TUESDAYS Singing - 10:00am-12:00pm Games1:00pm-4:00pm
WEDNESDAYS Weights/Balance-9:30am-10:30am Coffee/Chat/Crafts (CCC)-1:00pm-4:00pm Bring a project (knitting, painting, sewing etc. to work on) plus show & tell, enjoy chatting, coffee and treats FRIDAYS 9:30-10:30 Weights (to June 16) Sign up sheets are on the foyer table for additional activities, plus announcements. This beautiful and functional facility is also available for rent. Birthday parties, Anniversaries, Celebrations of Life, Meetings etc. Please contact Janice Lambert or visit the Springbank Heritage Centre. |
Springbank Dancers We are heading into our final month of classes for the season and want to send a HUGE Congratulations to the amazing group of dancers that performed in front of hundreds of people at Lilac Festival on June 4!   Next season, we are headed on a performance trip to MEXICO!!! And it's not too late to join us....Please reach out to Miss Mikki to inquire about our 2023/24 classes and programs, or click one of the following links that applies to you: Age 2-4 / Age 4.5-6 / Age 7+ / Adult Classes / Summer Camps And if you're looking for something fun to do on June 17, come support our dancers at one of our Year End Recitals! Click HERE for tickets! |
Kiyooka The Arts Centre  The Territories of Dreams project, led by Calgary based artists Patricia Lortie and Sabine LeCorre-Moore, opens at KOAC with a celebration on Saturday, June 17 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. The two artists have assembled a large-scale tapestry from sixteen crochet panels that have been created by: a group of seniors from Bowness community, an Indigenous student and a school principal. Anchored in nature, this tapestry forms the background for one thousand written dreams tying together Alberta’s Francophone, Indigenous and Anglophone communities. The artists were guided by Elder Harley Crowshoe, a respected and well-known First Nations mediator, and thisunique, temporary and participatory art installation, has been selected by the Jean Paul Riopelle Foundation to represent Alberta in the celebrations of the great painter's 100th birthday. The artists, the Jean Paul Riopelle Foundation and KOAC invite the public to come experience the installation and to add their own dreams to the Territories of Dreams. Reserve your spot at the opening celebration! |
This month’s feature is a sweet poem written for his sister by Walter James Young who lived in Springbank 85 years from 1886-1971. Mildly the breezes of spring fan our cheeks, Asking us out in the sun. Rippled gaily away rushed the creeks Into the rivers like fun. Over the hills creeps a tender new green, Nature’s new costume of leaves. Young birds are peeping, afraid to be seen. Once more the flowers appear Up from the ground with their bright smiling faces. Now we know springtime is here, Gaily removing old winter’s last traces. Chaps and Chinooks, Vol II, p.455. You will notice that the first letter of each line spells his sister’s name: Marion Young.
We are writing on behalf of Travel Gals, a community-focused travel group dedicated to promoting cultural exchange and exploration for students in high school, in particular Springbank Community High School students ages 16-18. We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you to join us on an exciting community trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Island, during Easter break 2024. At Travel Gals, we believe that the best way to broaden horizons and foster meaningful connections is through shared experiences and adventures. Our community trips offer an opportunity for individuals to come together, learn from one another, and create lasting memories. It is our firm belief that such interactions contribute to the enrichment of both individuals and communities. With this invitation, we want to emphasize that our community trip is not affiliated with any educational institution. It is a voluntary initiative driven solely by the desire to create an inclusive and supportive environment where people can come together and explore the world around them. At Travel Gals, both Erin and Tara have years of experience with international travel and are very confident in what we offer to teens. In order to ensure the trip remains a community-focused endeavor, we kindly request that you refrain from any direct contact with schools rather Travel Gals can be reached at travelgals2023@gmail.com or can be followed on Instagram @travelgals2023. The proposed community trip will take place during Easter Break (March 27-April 7, 2024). We have carefully crafted an itinerary that includes a range of exciting activities and cultural experiences, which will undoubtedly leave participants with a renewed sense of appreciation for the world's diversity. We would be honored to have you join us on this remarkable journey. A meeting of interest will be held on June 14, 2023 at 7pm at Springbank Links Golf Course. We ask that you attend to get all the information required to make a decision to join this amazing opportunity. There are only 35 spots. Erin and Tara ~ Your Travel Gals
TRY IT DAY 2023 Sunday, June 11 from 9am-4pm at SLS Centre is for children and youth to try different sporting activities, for FREE! Only 700 spots available. Registration required Program Guide
Springbank Community Association Over 100 years serving the residents and businesses of Springbank Copyright © Springbank Community Association All rights reserved.
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