Recreation Governance
We are waiting for more information on the December 6 decision by the Recreation Governance Committee to establish local feedback into the recreation funding process:
MOVED by Councillor Hanson that the Recreation Governance Committee directs Administration to explore the option of creating three Community Board bylaws consisting of five community members and at least one Councillor, for consideration at the June 19, 2024, Recreation Governance Committee meeting.
Land Use Bylaws
At a report to the Governance Committee on January 16, three motions regarding land use were passed:
MOVED by Councillor Hanson that the Governance Committee direct Administration to prepare amendments to Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020 for the consideration of Council at a public hearing no later than the end of Q1, 2024, based on the following principles:
a. Remove the ability to apply for new Care Facility (Group) uses on agricultural or residential parcels until additional requirements are approved by Council to regulate the location and impacts of such uses.
b. Require that the following applications be determined by Council, as Development Authority, for Care Facility (Group) uses:
i. Development Permit applications for new uses submitted to the County prior to the effective date of any amendments removing the ability to apply for the use.
ii. Development Permits for renewal of existing temporary uses.
MOVED by Councillor Wright that the Governance Committee direct Administration to prepare amendments to Land Use Bylaw C-8000-2020 for the consideration of Council at a public hearing no later than the end of Q2, 2024, based on the following principles:
a. Create additional requirements for the Kennel use to regulate the location and impacts of the use;
b. Create a new ‘Shipping Container’ use with associated regulations in relation to the subject district and intended use of the Shipping Container;
c. Allow the Development Authority the ability to provide a minor variance to setback requirements for Real Property Report compliance reviews, subject to criteria;
d. Allow automotive-related businesses to be considered as part of Home-Based Business (Type I) and (Type II) uses, subject to criteria;
e. Create increased rules and regulations for the Bed and Breakfast use to ensure that the site and principal dwelling hosting the use is used as a permanent residence; and
f. Create a new sign type – ‘Community Entrance Sign’ – and exempt Community Entrance Signs from requiring a development permit subject to criteria.
MOVED by Councillor Hanson that Administration be directed to present to Governance Committee a comprehensive review of the Vacation Rental and Bed and Breakfast uses in the County no later than the end of Q2, 2024.
Springbank Municipal Development Plan (MDP)
Information and Survey
The County is in the process of summarizing feedback received to date and will have another round of community engagement this spring. It appears that the County is moving towards a plan that accommodates regional differences (i.e. west vs east vs north).
Springbank Area Structure Plans
Visit the Website
Summary of Community Feedback
From the County’s website:
On January 16, Council proposed consolidating the existing 3 area structure plans (North, South, Moddle) into one plan for administrative purposes. A report on this consolidation is expected back to Council in June.
MOVED by Chair Kochan that Administration be directed to provide a report to Council in Q2 of 2024 on the feasibility of combining the Central Springbank, North Springbank and Moddle Area Structure Plans (ASP) into one ASP with the intent to maintain the existing land use strategies while implementing minor amendments that:
a) Ensure alignment with higher order policy and guiding documents adopted since the approval of the ASPs;
b) Update technical policies to reflect current studies; and
c) Address policy gaps in the existing ASPs identified by Council, Administration, and the public.
Petro Canada - Land Use Change
The Master Site Development Plan (MSDP) has been submitted. We do not have a firm timeline on when the application will appear before Council. Thanks to everyone who answered our survey questions (all responses have been submitted to RVC). We plan to reach out one more time with a more detailed set of questions based on the site plan in the next little while.
The contact at Rocky View County is Bernice Leyeza -
Fire Update
Council Resolution Tracker
More information on the council’s resolution tracker.
Highway 8 Corridor
No updates.