| | | | PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Lest we forget.  We thank all those who served our community and country. In light of world events, it is even more important that we have those who are willing to sacrifice for freedom.
We are fortunate to have many people who volunteer and work for the betterment of our community. Read the Springbank Spotlight to learn about one of those individuals. If you have suggestions for our “Spotlight” please forward those write-ups and pictures to info@springbankcommunity.com and we will try to include in upcoming newsletters.
Thank you to all who have bought raffle tickets. We only have a few left so please purchase if you haven’t yet. The draw is November 17 so time is running out!
Our AGM is coming up quickly on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7pm at Springbank Links Golf Course. Please note this location as our previous communications left this out. Sorry!! Join us, as following the formal meeting, we have planned a social to talk about recreation and facilities in our community. We need to let our councillors know what the neighbourhood wants and needs so that our tax dollars are spent wisely.
Read on to see upcoming events as we move into the busy holiday season. As well, read the bios of our two new Youth Board Members who will be offering their fresh perspectives and letting us know what is happening at SCHS. Welcome Summer and Callista!
As always, we aim to keep you informed of Rocky View County and provincial projects that affect our community. Aren’t we all hoping for a Christmas miracle and Stoney Trail fully opens?
On that note, please enjoy the long November weekend and stay healthy and happy! | | | | | |
| | | | Community Raffle We only have 50 tickets left to sell! Tickets are $20 each - available here! To see where the money will go, watch this virtual tour by SCHS Carol Smith and Tyler Mcrae. Lego Club is back! The program runs each Friday until December 1. Free fun for ages 6-12! The program is hosted by our amazing Duke of Edinburgh teens.  Annual General Meeting November 22, 2023 7:00pm at Springbank Links Golf Course Come for the meeting and stay to talk about the state of recreation in Springbank: Recreation The SCA met with the interim RVC CAO on November 3 to speak about recreation. We raised three issues. The underlying theme between the three is a lack of accountability to, and engagement with, the community. - Recreation Policy C-317 - Community Recreation Funding: Updates were made to the existing recreation funding policy that governs disbursements from the County to community groups. The Policy was updated without any engagement or consultation with impacted community groups.
- Recreation Policy C-706 - Springbank Recreation Reserve Funding: A policy that describes how the SR1 funds should be spent was presented to the Recreation Governance Committee on Sept 26. Although this policy directly impacts Springbank residents, management did not engage with Springbank residents or the SCA.
- Springbank Facility - The Community is dissatisfied with the proposed facility and request a new path be established to arrive at a concept that meets with the community’s approval.
Although the CAO and management acknowledge a “process gap” that prevents engagement with the residents and affected groups while policies are under development or review, there was also no firm commitment to address the process gaps in general, or to address our specific concerns regarding the above items. Three main process gaps exist. Current administrative and approval processes for new Council policies like C-706 and C-317 are governed by a process that can result in lackluster policies. Unfortunately, this results in policies proceeding forward to Council without any community input at all and both policies are worse for this lack of engagement. Both policies have glaring shortfalls and could be vastly improved upon. In our view, processes can and should be changed if they don’t make sense. ISSUE | CURRENT PROCESS | SCA PROPOSED SOLUTION | NO COMMUNITY CONSULTATION ON DRAFT POLICIES | Does not require or allow for community engagement. Rather, Council would have to specifically direct administration to conduct engagement on a specific policy. | Council should direct management to engage with impacted stakeholders on policies that directly affect communities. | NO PUBLIC CIRCULATION OF DRAFT POLICIES | Does not allow draft policies to circulate publicly before Council sees them. The theory is that Council and the public should see them at the same time. Today, the draft policies are released in Council agenda packages. | RVC could state publicly that certain policies are under review (C-317) or will be created (C-706) and request comment from interested parties. This avoids the circulation issue identified by management and still allows engagement and dialogue between communities and the County. | TIMING OF COUNCIL AGENDAS IS INSUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE THOUGHTFUL COMMENT | Council agendas are released the Wednesday afternoon prior to the Tuesday Council meetings. This gives any party with comments a 4-5 day window, over a weekend, to review the policy, consult with impacted stakeholders and advocate to their Councillor to request changes. | RVC could release topics of council agendas well in advance of the meeting. Ideally, RVC could release a rolling quarterly list of Council topics. Details would not need to be provided but at least the topics would be public so that groups like the SCA can engage with management. | COUNCIL POLICIES DO NOT HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING | Without a public hearing, groups must work through their Councillor to make change (to be presented by the Councillor) or ask to speak at the meeting (subject to a motion by their Councillor and a majority council vote to receive 5-10 minutes of agenda time). It is very difficult to impart substantive information in 5-10 minutes and the format is not conducive to making changes to a policy. | Allow Council policies that directly impact communities to allow for public hearings. Allow for submissions from community groups or stakeholders to be included in the agenda package. | We have made our disappointment and frustration with the recreation department at Rocky View County clear to Councilor Kochan and Councilor Hanson. We encourage residents to SPEAK UP and ask our Councillors to push for improved consultation with Springbank on items that affect Springbank. Call Councillor Kochan at 587-435-7172 and Councillor Hanson at 403-463-1166. | | | | |
| | | | We appreciate the support of Alberta Indoor Comfort towards the production of our newsletter. | | | | |
| | | | Fire Update As of November 9, there are no fire bans or advisories for West Rocky View - more information. Council Resolution Tracker More information on the council’s resolution tracker. Highway 8 Corridor No updates. Springbank Municipal Development Plan (MDP) The Municipal Development Plan is the governing document that outlines growth in Rocky View County. The prior draft of the MDP was rejected by the Calgary Municipal Region Board (CMRB in 2023). More information While there is no draft to review online, the County is proceeding with an open house. OPEN HOUSE - Tuesday, November 21
- 2:00 to 7:30 p.m.
- C3 Church
- 91 Commercial Court, Springbank
Springbank Area Structure Plans More information The results from the public engagement over the summer have been released: Administration will be presenting the updated land use strategy to the Governance Committee on November 21, 2023. | | | | |
| | | | Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1) The SCA met separately with Alberta Parks and Alberta Water Infrastructure to advocate for the advancement of the SR1 Land Use recommendations. The draft land use plan is available here. Bow River Dam The feasibility study was supposed to be released this year but it looks to be delayed until next summer. Read here for more information on the Bow River Reservoir Options initiative, including feasibility study updates and engagement opportunities. Ring Road The West Ring road is open! Who is excited for the next phase which will simplify life for everyone living on Highway 8?! Read updates. | | | | |
| | | | Norm Devitt Springbank lost one of its community builders, Norman Devitt. For those who knew Norm, know the influence and impact he made in our neighbourhood. He was a Rocky View municipal councillor for 6 years from 1989, a dedicated hockey coach and player, and he was instrumental in getting both arenas built at the Springbank Park For All Seasons. Can you imagine our community without those facilities? Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Norm Devitt — a man who truly exemplified service above self in Springbank. | | | | |
| | | | October 22, 2023 the Springbank Community Association hosted The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Awards Ceremony Congratulations to our twelve participants who met the Silver Standard: Mia Abboud, Jasmine Beler, Paul Buhler, Cameron Dempsey, Alexandra Eremenko, Ella Huber, Asher Hunter, Thomas Kapocsi, Fergus Moore, Chinwe Nowsu, Riley Powell and Sai Vivek. Achieving the silver award involves completing a total of twenty-six hours in each of the following categories: fitness, skills, and community service. In addition, participants completed two wilderness journeys, a practice journey of two days and one night, and a qualifying adventure journey of three days and two nights. We were delighted to have Sarah Elmeligi, MLA, and Karin Hunter, President of the Springbank Community Association, in attendance. We celebrate their achievements and their commitment to personal growth and their community. | | | | |
| | | | Discovery Corner Preschool Miss Renee and Miss Ana, Directors ~ 403-472-1477 | | | | |
| | | | Callista is a student-athlete at Springbank Community High School. She is particularly passionate about STEM and healthcare. Beyond her board responsibilities, she is a dancer, STEM advocate, and a Royal Canadian Air Cadet. Callista is committed to represent the voices of the youth and bring a positive change to the community. ~Callista Tay _________________ Hi there! My name is Summer, and I’m the student representative for the SCA. I’m currently in grade 12 at SCHS, but have been attending Springbank schools since grade 1. I’m proud to be a part of the French Immersion program and hope to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine after graduation. I’ve worked as a nanny and respite caretaker in the community for the last 2 years. Outside of school and work, I like showing my horses and spending time with my friends and family. I'm super excited to be a part of the SCA! ~ Summer Dunning | | | | |
| | | | I am a school bus driver in Springbank. Did you know that there are 31 school buses that transport students to and from the Springbank schools every day? In addition to those 31 buses, there are several school buses in our community that transport students to private schools and specialized schools. Each time that these buses stop to pick up or drop off students on a public roadway, the driver activates Amber, and then Red flashing lights, and a “Stop” sign extends from the side of the bus, to alert motorists of the fact that there might be children crossing the road. Each of the drivers of these school buses is doing their best to provide safe transportation to each of the students who ride on their bus. However, to keep our children truly safe, we need your help, too. When you approach a school bus that has the Red Lights flashing and the “Stop” arm extended, whether you are approaching from the front or from the rear, remember that you are required to stop, and remain stopped until the bus driver turns the Red flashing lights off, and the “Stop” arm folds back against the side of the bus. Failing to stop for a school bus that is displaying the Red flashing lights and the extended “Stop” arm is a traffic violation that carries a penalty of $567.00, and 6 demerits on your Driver’s License. The penalty is even more if a child is crossing the road and you hit that child with your car. Please help us keep your children safe. | | | | |
| | | | TALL FEATHERS Workshop comes to KOAC! Join local artist James Ziegler and Elder Harley Crowshoe at KOAC for a signature 2-day workshop (November 18 & 19 — our 3-hr workshop is already full.) honouring Indigenous heritage through ceremony, learning, art, healing, and connections. Feathers are a sacred symbol for many Indigenous peoples. Each feather carries a story, of wisdom, strength, flexibility, healing, and resilience. Together, working in small groups, you will design and build 11-foot hand-crafted TALL FEATHERS at the 2-day workshop, to be proudly displayed onsite at Kiyooka Ohe Arts Centre (KOAC) for the month of November (and collected in December), or 7-foot TALL FEATHERS at the 3-hr workshop that can be taken home right after the event. We are so excited to host these two workshops as part of our ongoing dedication to reconciliation and to bringing our community engaging experiences of contemporary ART in NATURE. > > > FREE to attend for all! > > > Find out more. | | | | | |
| | | | Springbank 50+ Friday Morning Mixed Curling Wow! 13 enthusiastic teams are enjoying the Friday Morning Mixed Curling. This is up from 10 teams last year. With 6 sheets of ice this means that each week one team has a bye. However, spares are always needed so those players usually have the opportunity to curl if they wish. Maybe we’ll be looking at two draws in the future if the increasing interest in participating continues. In the meantime, with winter holidays being so popular, we always lose some curlers after Christmas so if you might be interested in joining us for the Winter Session, which runs January through March, please contact our Draw Master, Brian Davies at briancapitalland@gmail.com or our president, Tim Presber at 403 827 2755 or All skill levels are welcome from rank beginners upwards. Introductory or refresher clinics are available at the start of each session. | | | | | |
| | | | Springbank Ladies Time Out | | | | | |
| | | | Springbank Dancers We had such a fun October at the studio!!! Interested in dipping your toes into dance? Check out our 6-week Mini Dance Sessions: “Kidflix” Dance Session for age 3 to 5 - Wednesdays, 11:00-11:45am or 4:00-4:45pm ($120) Teen “Theatre Jazz” for age 12+ - Wednesdays, 6:45-7:45pm ($150) Teen “Intro to Acrobatics” for age 12+ - Wednesdays, 7:45-8:45pm ($150) https://www.springbankdancers.com/mini-sessionsTeen “So you think you can dance” session - age 12+ - Thursdays, 7:00-8:00pm ($150) Visit our website HERE for more information or register today through your account. Let us keep your kids active and entertained on their day off!!! Fitness/stretch, games, dancing, yoga, crafts, bonding time with friends, creative play options, and a Karma project! Questions about any programs?? Email Miss Mikki or call/text us 403-276-7918 and we will get back to you right away or, follow us on social media! | | | | | |
| | | | Springbank 4H Insider 4-H is renown worldwide as a youth development program for children 9-21 as of January 1st of the project year as well as for cleavers ages 6-8. I get that question all the time: 4-H is livestock only isn’t it? Well no. While it started off with rural based projects, now over a 100 years later, 4-H encompasses many projects. You can find more information on the 4-H Alberta website. Another great thing about 4-H are their summer camps, winter bonanza and extra activities you can decide to join on the side. This is my third year in 4-H and I always have a great time learning by doing at 4-H. Over the years the Springbank rawhides offered many projects such as Equine, Canine and Life skills. Each year brings a new group full of new friendships and adventures. This year is no different with our Canine group. We have five 4-H’ers ready to learn obedience, showmanship and agility. We kicked things off with making executive decisions followed by a Halloween party. Registration to join is open to new members until November 15. All 4-H members are required to complete a project (including preparing a project book) and retain a minimum of 70% attendance rate to club meetings and required project days as well and taking part in the famous 4-H communication day and community service to give back to the community. Interested in joining? We meet on Fridays and some Saturdays at the Springbank Equestrian Society. For more information contact Norma Ansloos at 403-850-3953 A project interests you but isn’t offered in our club…we like to see a minimum of 3-4 members per project so we have enough leadership to guide and assist all members with their projects. We do have some interest in horses for this year however as of now we do not have enough to run that part of the group. So get some friends to join you and join the 4-H family today. Not ready to commit to a whole year. That’s fine there is a new option this year with the “Intro Clubs to 4-H” that is just 6-8 weeks programs. ~news reporter - Nicolas | | | | | |
| | | | Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre Looking for a local activity to celebrate the holiday season? Join Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre Society for our third annual Christmas production. This original musical, Christmas at the Creekside Grill, was co-written by our President, Trisha Gizen, and Artistic Director, Melanie Baux. It is a heartwarming story that is sure to entertain audience members of all ages. The production runs December 15 to 17, 2023 and features a cast from Bragg Creek, Calgary, Cochrane, and Canmore. Buy tickets! Why not spend the day in Bragg Creek? We have partnered with eleven local restaurants and the Bragg Creek Distiller. Our partners are offering 10 to 15 percent off your food purchase (beverage purchases at the distillery) when you present your Swamp Donkey performance ticket. Show tickets and a full list of our partners and their offers can be found at www.swampdonkeytheatre.ca. | | | | | |
| | | | Unlock the Power of Giving! Join ROARR on Giving Tuesday, November 28, as we open our doors from 11am to 6pm for a day of community, compassion, and change. At ROARR, we're passionate about empowering at-risk youth and seniors through our transformative equine-assisted programs. On this global day of generosity, you have the chance to be a part of this empowering mission. Here's how you can make a real impact: Bake Sale: Help us raise funds by contributing your delicious baked goods for our bake sale. Your culinary creations will bring smiles and support our programs.  50/50 Draw: Try your luck in our 50/50 draw. Buy a ticket and stand a chance to win big while making a big difference. Donations: Join us in person, or online to make a meaningful contribution. Every dollar you donate goes directly into program development and implementation.  Your support is crucial in creating opportunities for personal growth, building connections, and making our community stronger. Learn more, get involved, and be a part of something truly impactful at ROARR.ORG. Together, we can transform lives. #GivingTuesday #ROARRCommunity #EmpowerThroughHorses | | | | | |
| | | | Springbank Heritage Club Activities Monday activities *Pickle Ball....12:30p - 4:30p (members only) Tuesday activities *Singing...10a-12p *Games....1p-4p Wednesday activities *Weights & Balance....9:30a-10:30a (Sept 13-Nov29) *Craft, Chat, Coffee (CCC)....1p-4p Friday activities *Weights & Balance....9:30a-10:30a (Sept 15-Dec 01) Gingerbread Christmas Market November 25 1p-4p Please plan on attending, open to the public! Catered Christmas Dinner December 12 Members and guests Please contact Janice Lambert or visit the Springbank Heritage Centre. | | | | | |
| | | | CHAPS and CHINOOKS MOMENT | | | | |
| | | | We remember all of those who gave their life for our freedom. Chaps and Chinooks does a fantastic job of paying tribute to those Springbank residents who served their country. Chaps and Chinooks, Vol II, p. 491 Chaps and Chinooks, Vol II, p. 492 This month also marks an infamous date in Canadian history that has a unique Springbank connection. Louis Riel was hung for treason on November 16th and Louis Napoleon Blache served as an interpreter during the trial in the summer of 1885. Louis Napoleon Blache was born in Montreal in 1861. He resided in the Springbank district for 45 years. His parents came to Canada from Paris. He had 3 brothers and 1 sister. He attended McGill University to study medicine, but left university to enlist in the R.N.W.M. Police in 1885. He came west to Regina by troop train and ox cart and served as an interpreter during Louis Riel’s trial. Napoleon also spent time guarding Riel and during this time he recalled Riel would sit by the stove writing letters which he said were to his little girl. If anyone approached however he would throw the letters in the fire so no one could read them. Chaps and Chinooks, Vol I, p. 212-3 | | | | |
Springbank Community Association Over 100 years serving the residents and businesses of Springbank Copyright © Springbank Community Association All rights reserved. |
| | | | Sponsored by Springbank's own ActiveDEMAND -The essential marketing automation tool for growing businesses. You have an awesome business but no marketing team. No problem. Market Automatically! | | | | |