PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE There is much to love in Springbank – scroll the newsletter to see all the great opportunities in our community! If you are starting some early spring cleaning (was there any groundhog consensus?), the high school is looking for gently used baseball gloves and hockey helmets. This issue also highlights the wonderful residents who love what they do and go above and beyond and were awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal. ROARR has volunteer opportunities for those who want to “show the love” for horses and those in need. As always, scroll to see how our community is evolving with RVC updates and provincial projects. We had some ‘Friday Fun’ on social media where some of our followers captioned this ‘crossing guard’ at the 4-way stop at Springbank Road and RR31 – which seems to have become a much safer intersection now! Stickin' it out in the cold Just waiting for spring! Keep watching for more Springbank pictures on our social media. In the meantime, let’s spread the Springbank love as we wait for Spring!
Thanks so much to Carla Berezowski and Alberta Indoor Comfort for providing support to the production of our newsletter.
Fire Update West Rocky View is not under any fire ban or advisory at this moment - for more information. Council Resolution Tracker More information on the council’s resolution tracker. Bingham Crossing & Costco Costco has been given approval, subject to conditions. Read Rocky View Weekly article. A Development Permit (#PRDP20220517) for a proposed Costco at Bingham Crossing was conditionally approved by Rocky View on February 7th, subject to a significant number of approval conditions. We encourage residents to contact Jacqueline Targett at Rocky View Planning - jtargett@rockyview.ca the planner responsible, with questions. In conditionally approving this development permit, Rocky View County’s Planning administration has identified several areas in which the present Costco plans are deficient in meeting requirements of the approved Bingham Crossing Phase 2 Master Site Development Plan, and the approval conditions require further amendment to the current plans. A copy of the approved Master Site Development Plan can also be obtained by contacting the Rocky View Planning department. The current development permit approval may be appealed within 21 days of the February 7th approval date, with a public appeal hearing scheduled at Rocky View Subdivision Development and Appeal Board (SDAB) at its March or April meeting. This particular approval presents a unique situation, as the plans currently submitted by Costco will not be the final plans approved by the County, however, this is currently the only opportunity to appeal the development permit. Concerned residents are encouraged to contact Rocky View with any concerns regarding the nature of this conditional approval process, or to participate in the appeal process at SDAB. if this development permit is appealed. Learn more about the SDAB. Community Centre On February 1, 2023, the South Springbank Facility Business Case was presented to the Recreation Governance Committee (RCG) by administration and a consultant. This business case has been in progress since the fall of 2021 when a small stakeholder group was assembled by the County. The group consisted of Div 1 and Div 2 Councillors along with one representative from: -
Community Association -
Heritage Club -
Harmony -
Elbow Valley -
RVS The document - finally public - is now available. If you are interested in the somewhat prolonged discussion of the business case, it is now available. Highlights: -
The RCG approved “next steps” for Phase 1 (with 3-4 total phases); -
Administration will report back to Council with what those next steps will be - no timeline was given for this; -
Phase 1 has a budget of approx $8M, with a nearly $20M budget for Phase 2; -
The facility will reside on the newly acquired land next to SPFAS. This land is not serviced in any way today, so work will need to be undertaken to determine what the servicing requirements are; and -
The RCG also approved “next steps” for Langdon, which is a $32M facility (not phased). Our view: -
We are not convinced that Phase 1 is the appropriate scope or scale. We believe that more constructive engagement is required with the community in order to arrive at a facility that is useful for Springbank. Interestingly, the projections for facility use do not include Harmony or Elbow Valley residents despite their participation on the committee. -
We were disappointed to see that the consultant did not evaluate a gymnasium, which we have been advocating for quite some time. Time and time again, a gymnasium and indoor track rank as the most desired indoor recreation amenities. -
We are unsure as to why the Springbank facility is “Phased” [considering the Langdon facility is not]. -
We are optimistic that there is room to refine “Phase 1” and look forward to working with County administration on next steps. For more information, read this Rocky View Weekly story. Highway 8 Corridor No updates. Springbank Area Structure Plans No updates. Follow along here to check progress.
SR1 The Joint Land Use Advisory Committee (JLUAC) handed over its report to the Alberta Government on January 31, 2023. At this time, the report is not public, but we expect it to be released shortly. The recommendations are robust and thoughtful and members of the JLUAC are excited to present the report to the community in the near future. We have asked Alberta Transportation to provide it as soon as it is available. Bow River Dam No updates this month. Read for more information on the Bow River Reservoir Options initiative, including feasibility study updates and engagement opportunities. Ring Road No updates.
Thanks so much to Kathleen Burk and RE/MAX for providing support to the production of our newsletter.
Discovery Corner Preschool Discovery Corner Preschool has been enjoying the wonderful weather we have had this January in our beautiful outdoor space.
Springbank High School A new semester at Springbank Community High has just begun. With diploma exams completed for grade 12s, and exam break done for all grades, semester two is starting in full swing. Along with classes, SCHS athletics have resumed. Basketball practices for girls and boys have continued along with their competitive season. The boys and girls rugby season is just beginning and team information sessions. While we are thinking of sports, SCHS’s physical education department is asking for donations of gently used hockey helmets and baseball gloves. If you happen to have any of these items and are willing to donate please drop them off at the main office. Our SCHS robotics team is going into their last round of provincial qualifiers this weekend so good luck to all teams. Meet the Teacher is on February 15 so be sure to stop by SCHS! Finally, congratulations to our amazing school trustee Judi Hunter for receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal! She does such amazing work for the youth in our community as well as for the high school. Jordan Inverarity ~ Springbank High School student and board member
Calgary Changemaker School A new and more financially accessible program just for grade 8 students!
New Volunteer Opportunities Spring is coming and our programs are getting started. ROARR is currently looking for volunteers to help out with all of their programs: Horse feeding If you love spending time with horses and being out at the ranch this is the spot for you. They need volunteers to come out and feed their amazing horses. There are AM and PM slots 7 days a week. Feel free to sign up for 1 spot or as many as you like!
Senior lunch serving/visiting Our senior lunches are starting again March 28th, every Tuesday and Thursday. Would you be interested in helping serve these wonderful seniors lunch, as well as hearing great stories and having lots of laughs. Please sign up as a senior lunch volunteer!
Senior lunch horse handlers They are also looking for 2 horse volunteers to handle their horses while they visit with the seniors. If you are interested please sign up!
Youth program volunteers If you would like a chance to meet some great kids and spend some time with their amazing horses, this spot is for you! All of their EAL programs are lead by certified facilitators, but they are looking for people to assist their facilitators in making sure safety is always top priority, and that everyone is fully engaged. Programs run seven days a week so there are many options for times and dates. Volunteer at ROARR today! Contact Deanna Robinson with any questions |
Springbank Friday Morning 50 Plus Mixed Curling League This socially-oriented recreational league welcomes all levels of 50+ curlers, including beginners! We have a mixture of conventional, stabiliser and stick curlers participating. Informal training or refresher sessions are available regularly. The Fall Session runs October to December and the Winter Session January to March. Spares are welcome and often needed so if you would like to sign on as a spare for the balance of the current season, or would like your name added to the contact list for the 2023 Fall Session please contact our Drawmaster, Brian Davies or 403-861-2742. Brian makes a random draw to compile the teams prior to the start of both sessions, based on players preferred positions. If you would be interested in participating but haven’t hit the big ‘5-0’ yet, we don’t check birth certificates so please feel free to sign up!! If you are looking for an opportunity to get out, meet people, develop or hone your curling skills while getting some of that invaluable health-enhancing ‘exercise’, join us today! See you at the Springbank Park curling rink! This league is not associated with the Springbank Curling Club. |
Springbank Dancers 2023 is off to a great start and they have some super exciting events coming up that are open to anyone in the community... 6 week mini-sessions start late February and they are still accepting registrations in a variety of classes. Click here to register and for more information.  Summer Camp registration is now open and our super early bird rate is in place until the end of the month! No previous experience required and our camps are open and catered to anyone in the community!  Looking for more information? Contact Miss Mikki and she will be happy to send back any program information and answer any questions you may have. Also, did you know they run Adult Bootcamp, Barre, Dance, and Yoga classes!?! Reach out for a FREE trial |
Kiyooka Ohe Arts Centre (KOAC) If you’ve driven down Horizon View Road lately, near the corner of Springbank Road, you’ll notice there’s been a flurry of activity at the Kiyooka Ohe Arts Centre over the past few years. What was once a quiet grassy field has now been transformed into a world-class, large-scale sculpture park which is home to the artwork of many international and local artists.
Founding member and resident at KOAC, Katie Ohe’s latest sculpture Doodle 4 is a giant bright blue playful sphere thoughtfully situated at the highest point of the sculpture park. A master of sculpture, Katie has spent the past six decades creating kinetic sculptures that many have described as mesmerizing, so it’s no surprise that this past fall she was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Medal.
 Schedule a private tour or workshop for your group (minimum 6 people) during the off-season: Tickets: $25 (no charge for kids under 12 years of age) OR Drop by for a self-guided tour on Thursdays through Sundays: 10:00am – 4:00pm. The west half of the park is open during these hours for self-guided visitors. Admission is by donation. Depending on your cup of tea, there are many ways to support KOAC. You can donate to our KOAC Signage campaign which raises funds to create signage and informational plaques for each sculpture. Or purchase a Friends of KOAC membership with prices that vary from $15 - $40. With the continued support from our many community partners, donors, sponsors, and Friends of KOAC, we will continue to build this important legacy - art-in-nature, land conservation and meaningful community building. |
Springbank Heritage Center February Events Ages 55 + years old at the Springbank Heritage Club!
Tuesdays 10:00am - 12:00pm - Singing Tuesdays 1:00pm - 4:00pm - Games Wednesdays 9:30am - 10:30am - Weights and Balance Wednesdays 1:00pm - 4:00pm - Crafts, Chat and Coffee February 15 Bus Trip to Jubilations Dinner Theatre! More Information |
Springbank Curling Club The curling season is now in the homestretch, the competitive season is coming to a head, bonspiels are happening nearly every weekend somewhere, and curling at Springbank is building towards Club Championships to cap the season in March. The 2023 Springbank Ladies Open Bonspiel went ahead on January 13-15 with 24 teams representing various clubs from Calgary and other areas of the province. Our Saturday evening theme “Blast from the Past” made for an entertaining evening with creative costumes that made us laugh. Congratulations to our Bonspiel Winners: A Event: Salyn Team (Calgary CC) B Event: Masse Team (Springbank CC) C Event: Dupont Team (Lethbridge CC) Our very own Masse Team! Notable mention: Bard team from Springbank placed 2nd in the B Event and the Lister and Allan Teams from Springbank made it to the Semi-Finals. A very good showing from Springbank teams! Drop-in Curling final night of the season is March 11 at 7:00 pm. This is an opportunity to try out the sport without committing to a weekly league, and you don’t have to register with an entire team or be a member of the curling club to participate; sign up here. Curling is a great way to meet people and make friends while playing a sport you can play for a lifetime. Please visit our website to find out more or to sign up!
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, we found some lovely wedding pictures going back over a hundred years! Feb. 1915, wedding picture of: Lieut. Rex Young and Jean Robinson Chaps and Chinooks, Vol II, p. 352
 Raleigh Brooks and Mabel Longeway on their wedding day, 1917 Chaps and Chinooks, Vol II, p. 434
Springbank Community Association Over 100 years serving the residents and businesses of Springbank Copyright © Springbank Community Association All rights reserved.
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